定例セミナー(木曜日 9:45-)

| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 |


21/3/18 米田 英正(オンライン) Progress
北山 七海(オンライン) Progress
羅 秋嫻(オンライン) Progress
21/3/11 渡邊 絵美理(オンライン) Progress
21/03/04 上野 稜平(オンライン) Journal
Transcription Factors FHY3 and FAR1 Regulate Light-Induced CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 Gene Expression in Arabidopsis.
Liu al., Plant Cell, 2020

Oscillating gene expression determines competence for periodic Arabidopsis root branching.
Moreno-Risueno M.A. et al., Science , 2010
21/02/25 吉永 彩夏(オンライン) Progress
21/02/04 中村 駿志(オンライン) Journal
Cell wall remodeling and vesicle trafficking mediate the root clock in Arabidopsis.
Wachsman G. et al., Science , 2020

Oscillating gene expression determines competence for periodic Arabidopsis root branching.
Moreno-Risueno M.A. et al., Science , 2010
21/01/28 磯田 珠奈子(オンライン) Journal(Book)
Biosystematic Investigations in the Family of Duckweeds (Lemnaceae)(Vol. 2.) The Family of Lemnaceae-a Monographic Study. Vol. 1.
Elias Landolt, Veroff Geobot. Inst. ETH , 1986
21/01/21 上野 賢也(オンライン) Journal
Circadian gating of dark‐induced increases in chloroplast‐and cytosolic‐free calcium in Arabidopsis.
Martí Ruiz M.C. et al., New Phytol., 2020
21/01/14 伊藤 照悟(オンライン) Journal
Advances in cryopreservation of in vitro-derived propagules: technologies and explant sources.
Wang M.R. et al., Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. (PCTOC), 2021

Development of – 80 °C storage for Allium shoot tips using D cryo-plate method.
Tanaka D. et al., Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. (PCTOC), 2021
21/01/07 小山 時隆(オンライン) Progress
20/12/17 羅 秋嫻(オンライン) Progress
20/12/10 北山 七海(オンライン) Journal
Enhancement of methyl salicylate accumulation promotes early flowering in transgenic tobacco plants by overexpressing a carboxymethyl transferase (SAMT) gene from Lycium chinense.
Zhang Y. et al., Mol. Breeding., 2020
20/12/03 上野 稜平(オンライン) Journal
Callose: the plant cell wall polysaccharide with multiple biologicalfunctions.
Piršelová B. and Matušíková I., Acta. Physiol. Plant., 2013

Genotypic and developmental evidence for the role of plasmodesmatal regulation in cotton fiber elongation mediated by callose turnover.
Ruan Y.L. et al., Plant Physiol., 2004

Callose Synthesis Suppresses Cell Death Induced by Low-Calcium Conditions in Leaves.
Shikanai Y. et al., Plant Physiol., 2020

Auxin-Callose-Mediated Plasmodesmal Gating Is Essential for Tropic Auxin Gradient Formation and Signaling.
Han X. et al., Dev. Cell, 2014
20/11/26 渡邊 絵美理(オンライン) Journal
A prion-like domain in ELF3 functions as a thermosensor in Arabidopsis.
Jung J.H. et al., Nature., 2020
20/11/19 吉永 彩夏(オンライン) Journal
Cryptochromes integrate green light signals into the circadian system.
Battle M.W. and Jones M.A., Plant Cell Environ., 2020
20/11/12 中村駿志(オンライン) Journal
Linking signaling pathways to histone acetylation dynamics in plants.
Jiang J et al., J Exp Bot., 2020

Transcriptional corepressor TOPLESS complexes with pseudoresponse regulator proteins and histone deacetylases to regulate circadian transcription.
Wang L et al., PNAS, 2013
20/11/05 磯田 珠奈子(オンライン) Journal
Daytime temperature is sensed by phytochrome B in Arabidopsis through a transcriptional activator HEMERAl.
Qiu Y et al., Nat Commun., 2019
20/10/29 上野 賢也(オンライン) Journal
Two-Community Noisy Kuramoto Model Suggests Mechanism for Splitting in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus.
Jos R. and Janusz M., J Biol Rhythms., 2020

Generative models of cortical oscillations: neurobiological implications of the kuramoto model.
Breakspear M et al., Front Hum Neurosci., 2010
20/7/2 伊藤 照悟(オンライン) Journal
The MCTP-SNARE Complex Regulates Florigen Transport in Arabidopsis.
Liu L et al., Plant Call, 2019

Florigen trafficking integrates photoperiod and temperature signals in Arabidopsis.
Liu L et al., J. Integr. Plant Biol., 2020
20/10/15 小山 時隆(オンライン) 研究倫理講習
1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility.
Baker M, Nature, 2016
Reproducibility crisis: Blame it on the antibodies.
Baker M et al., Nature, 2015
Strong Inference in Mathematical Modeling: A Method for Robust Science in the Twenty-First Century.
Ganusov VV, Sci. Adv., 2016
20/10/1 北山 七海(オンライン) Progress
米田 英正(オンライン) Progress
20/10/1 上野 稜平(オンライン) Progress
20/9/24 渡邊 絵美理(オンライン) Progress
20/9/17 吉永 彩夏(オンライン) Journal
Multicellularity enriches the entrainment of Arabidopsis circadian clock.
Masuda K et al., Sci. Adv., 2017
20/9/10 中村 駿志(オンライン) Progress
20/8/27 磯田 珠奈子(オンライン) Progress+Journal
Transcriptional analysis reveals potential genes and regulatory networks involved in salicylic acid-induced flowering in duckweed (Lemna gibba).
Fu L et al., Plant Physiol. Biochem., 2018
20/7/23 九州大学 伊藤 浩史先生(オンライン) セミナー
20/7/9 上野 賢也(オンライン) Journal
Gene regulatory network models in response to sugars in the plant circadian system.
Ohara T et al., J. Theor. Biol., 2018
20/7/2 伊藤 照悟(オンライン) Journal
A mobile ELF4 delivers circadian temperature information from shoots to roots.
Chen WW et al., Nat. Plants, 2020

The evening complex Is central to the difference between the circadian clocks of Arabidopsis thaliana shoots and roots.
Nimmo HG et al., Physiol. Plant., 2020

Molecular mechanisms of Evening Complex activity in Arabidopsis.
Silva CS et al., PNAS., 2020
20/6/25 小山 時隆(オンライン) Journal
Genome and time-of-day transcriptome of Wolffia australiana link morphological extreme minimization with un-gated plant growth Authors.
Michael TP et al., BioRχiv., 2020
20/6/11 上野 稜平(オンライン) Journal
The Circadian Clock Influences the Long-Term Water Use Efficiency of Arabidopsis.
Simon NML et al., Plant Physiol., 2020
20/6/4 渡邊 絵美理(オンライン) Journal
Noise-driven cellular heterogeneity in circadian periodicity.
Li Y et al., PNAS., 2020
20/5/21 中村 駿志(オンライン) Progress
20/5/14 磯田 珠奈子(オンライン) Progress
小山 時隆 安全講習
20/5/7 上野 賢也(オンライン) Progress
20/4/23 伊藤 照悟(オンライン) Progress
20/4/2 小山 時隆 係決め