定例セミナー(木曜日 10:00-)

| 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |


14/11/27 廣田周平 Progress
小山 時隆 Journal Stochastic gene expression out-of-steady-state in the cyanobacterial circadian clock
 Jeffrey R. Chabot et al., Nature , 2007
 Mads Kærn et al.,Nature Reviews of Genetics , 2005
Robustness of circadian rhythms with respect to molecular noise
 Didier Gonzeet al.,PNAS , 2005
14/11/20 菊池 美里 Progress
14/11/13 四方 純 Journal GABA networks destabilize genetic oscillations in the circadian pacemaker.
 Freeman GM Jr et al., Neuron , 2013
北川 徳明 Journal Multispecies diel transcriptional oscillations in open ocean heterotrophic bacterial assemblages
 John M. Eppley, et al., Science, , 2014
14/11/06 橋村 秀典 Journal Cell Substratum Adhesion during Early Development of Dictyostelium discoideum.
 Tarantola, M et al., PloS one , 2014
14/10/30 村中 智明 Journal Light and circadian regulation of clock components aids flexible responses to environmental signals.
 Dixon LE et al., New Phytologist , 2014
岡田 全朗 Journal Differentially Phased Leaf Growth and Movements in Arabidopsis Depend on Coordinated Circadian and Light Regulation
 Tino Dornbusch, et al., Plant Cell, , 2014
14/10/23 望月 一志 Journal A Symmetric Dual Feedback System Provides a Robust and Entrainable Oscillator
 Kazuhiro Maeda, et al., PloS one , 2012
早川 郁美 Journal Sociogenomics of self vs. non-self cooperation during development of Dictyostelium discoideum.
 Li, S. I., et al., BMC genomics, , 2014
14/10/16 伊藤 照悟 Journal A genome-scale resource for the functional characterization of Arabidopsis transcription factors.
 Pruneda-Paz JL, et al., Cell Rep. , 2014
FBH1 affects warm temperature responses in the Arabidopsis circadian clock.
 Nagel DH, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2014
廣田周平 Journal Mixtures of opposing phosphorylations within hexamers precisely time feedback in the cyanobacterial circadian clock. -revisited-
 Lin J, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., , 2014
14/10/16 伊藤 照悟 Journal A genome-scale resource for the functional characterization of Arabidopsis transcription factors.
 Pruneda-Paz JL, et al., Cell Rep. , 2014
FBH1 affects warm temperature responses in the Arabidopsis circadian clock.
  Nagel DH, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. , 2014
廣田周平 Journal Mixtures of opposing phosphorylations within hexamers precisely time feedback in the cyanobacterial circadian clock. -revisited-
 Lin J, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., , 2014
14/10/09 四方純 Progress
菊池 美里 Journal LNK genes integrate light and clock signaling networks at the core of the Arabidopsis oscillator
 Rugnone ML, et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., , 2013
14/6/24 橋村 秀典 Journal A bacterial sulfonolipid triggers multicellular development in the closest living relatives of animals
 Rosanna A Alegado et al., eLife , 2012
岡田 全朗 Journal LIGHT-REGULATED WD1 and PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR9 Form a Positive Feedback Regulatory Loop in the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock
 Ying Wang, et al., The Plant Cell, , 2011
14/6/19 早川 郁美 Journal Assembly of the TgrB1-TgrC1 cell adhesion complex during Dictyostelium discoideum development.
 Gong CHEN et al., Biochem. J , 2014
村中 智明 Journal A pair of floral regulators sets critical day length for Hd3a florigen expression in rice.
 Itoh H, et al., Nat Genet, , 2010
14/6/12 伊藤 照悟 Progress
望月 一志 Progress
14/6/5 井上 敬 Journal Did Terrestrial Diversification of Amoebas (Amoebozoa) Occur in Synchrony with Land Plants?
  Fiz-Palacios O et al., PLoS ONE , 2013
A draft map of the human proteome
 Min-Sik Kim et al., Nature , 2014
廣田 周平 Progress
14/5/29 小山 時隆 Progress
菊池 美里 Progress
14/5/15 北川 徳明 Progress
四方 純 Progress
14/5/8 岡田 全朗 Progress
橋村 秀典 Progress
14/5/1 早川 郁美 Progress
村中 智明 Progress
14/4/24 井上 敬 Progress
14/4/17 小山 時隆 Progress
14/4/10 伊藤 照悟 Progress 研究紹介